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Everything you need to know about Verna
How do I insure a car with Verna?
Can I try before I buy?
Where can I see insurance prices?
Where can I get the Verna app?
Does Verna offer insurance for all types of vehicles?
How long does it take to switch to Verna?
Can I insure more than one car?
Why Verna?
How do I pay for Verna vehicle insurance?
How does co-owner registration work?
Do I need to put anything in my car?
What is the idea behind Verna?
How do you create my driving score?
What settings do I need on my phone?
Android specific settings
Can I delete car trips from the Verna app?
Where can I get the Verna app?
What kind of phone do I need to be able to download the Verna app?
How do I connect the app to the car's Bluetooth?
Why doesn’t my car trip appear in the Verna app?
What happens if I go abroad?
What happens if I have the Verna app turned off?
Is the Verna app always tracking my location?
How do I change packages?
How does the app know I'm driving a car?
What if there is more than one driver in the car?
Does the phone need to be connected to the internet for the app to track my driving?
How long does it take for a car trip to enter the Verna app?
How does Verna vehicle insurance differ from other vehicle insurances?
Where is Verna's vehicle insurance valid?
Comprehensive insurance photos
What do I do if I turn in the number plates or deregister the car?
What is comprehensive insurance?
What is accident and liability insurance?
What is windshield insurance?
What is a deductible?